Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Cookie Exchange

Today, my MOMS group had a cookie exchange.  It was a lot of fun and it saves us time and money.  We each brought 2 dozen homemade cookies and a couple copies of the recipe.  Each Mom took a couple of each type of cookie to bring home and freeze for Christmas time!  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Carpet cleaning tip

I noticed a few spots on my carpet today, so I pulled the wet-vacuum out of the closet but realized that I did not have any carpet cleaner left.  Instead, I filled the tank with warm water and a cup of vinegar.  This did the trick!  It took every spot out of my carpet, plus it was cheaper than the cleaning solution and better for the environment!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

My son and I spent today at home.  We are getting the house ready for Thanksgiving.  My family will be driving down and staying with us for 4 days and my in-laws will also be over for Thanksgiving dinner.  My family has never seen my son walk.  He started right after our last trip up to their house.  Today was spent cleaning and emailing.  My in-laws and I have divided up the dinner.  They will bring a side dish, dessert and wine and I will cook the rest.  It really helps out to have guests bring a few things.  

Monday, November 24, 2008


Today, I went on my weekly grocery shopping trip.  Lately, it seems that I am paying more for the same amount of items.  I have started to go over the weekly sales circular and mark the sales.  Then, I go through my coupons and see if there are any coupons for the items that I will be buying.  This really saves a lot of money!  When I was going through the checkout, my total came to $160, but after they accounted for the sales and coupons, my bill came to $100!  Here is another tip that I have found:  you can combine store and manufacturer coupons together.  When a sale is going on and I am able to use coupons, sometimes I get the item for free.  

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stay-at-home Mom

Hello!  This is the introduction to my blog.  I became a stay-at-home Mom at the beginning of 2008.  I now have a 1 year old son and another child on the way.  Every day is a new adventure.  This blog will consist of ways to live off of one income, ways to fill your day (especially in the cold months), ways to make a little extra money on the side while staying at home and raising children.